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May - November 2023

The Second National Urban Forum

Partner/Client : Ministry of Public Works and Housing


As an inclusive forum with active participation from all segments of society, the National Urban Forum involves over 40 institutions and conducts various discussions from July to October 2023. This forum presents a range of issues, challenges, and policy recommendations for Indonesia's urban areas generated from 5 thematic working groups. The importance of collaborative governance is emphasized across all themes, highlighting the crucial role of local leaders and a shift in perspectives when addressing urban issues. Updates in the framework and urban economic aspects, as well as spatial development, need to adapt to significant changes resulting from decentralization. The smart city ecosystem is comprehensively developed to meet the 6 essential basic services tailored to the needs of each city.


  • Book : Potret Isu, Tantangan dan Rekomendasi Kebijakan Perkotaan Indonesia


October - November 2019

Series of Focus Group Discussion, The Development of New Capital City

Partner/Client : Ministry of Public Works and Housing


In the State Address on August 16, 2019, President Joko Widodo sought permission from the entire Indonesian people to relocate the Capital City to Kalimantan Island. The relocation is not merely a symbol of identity but a representation of the nation's progress, aiming for economic equality and justice in Indonesia. In supporting the success of developing the new Capital City, the President has appointed three ministries with different responsibilities: 1) Bappenas is tasked with studying the capital relocation, 2) the Ministry of ATR is given authority regarding land availability assessment, and 3) the Ministry of PUPR is responsible for designing the new Capital City.

In fulfilling the responsibilities, PSII assisted the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing in conducting a series of competitions. Following President Joko Widodo's direction, the design of the new Capital City is expected to represent the nation's excellence and act as a catalyst for the advancement of Indonesia's civilization, fulfilling three general criteria: 1) reflecting the nation's identity; 2) ensuring sustainability. To support the development of the new Capital City, in addition to the Capital City Competition, the Ministry of PUPR also organized a series of Focus Group Discussions (FGD) consisting of six different themes. These six FGDs are as follows: 1) FGD 1 with the theme Realization of a Smart, Green, Beautiful, and Disaster-Responsive Capital City; 2) FGD 2 on Considerations of Connectivity, Defense, and Security Aspects in the Planning and Design of the Capital City Area; 3) FGD 3 on Considerations for the Design and Needs of Residential/Settlement, Industrial, Trade, and Service Areas in the Capital City Area; 4) FGD 4 on Planning a Cultural, Inclusive, and Livable Capital specifically held in Balikpapan; 5) FGD 5 on Understanding the Hopes and Perceptions of Millennials and Developing Communication Strategies for the Ideal Concept and Design of the New Capital City; and 6) FGD 6 addressing the Financing Strategy for the Capital City Relocation.


December 2018 - February 2019

Preparation of Youth Participation in World Urban Forum 9

Partner/Client : Ministry of Public Works and Housing


The World Urban Forum (WUF) is a global urban forum that discusses urban issues. The Ninth World Urban Forum (WUF9) brought together various experts from various countries, central and local governments, NGOs, communities, professionals, researchers, academics, private sectors, financing agencies, UN agencies and other bodies. This forum aims to increase awareness of sustainable urbanization among policymakers and the public by improving understanding of sustainable urban development through open dialogue, sharing information and knowledge, and exchanging best practices and policies.

PSII Indonesia contributes to WUF activities by providing thoughtful contributions, ideas, and solutions to tackle the challenges of achieving sustainable urban development. Together with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR), PSII engages in Youth Participation Support during the Ninth World Urban Forum in the framework of implementing the New Urban Agenda. This collaboration contributes to generating ideas on the role of youth in developing sustainable cities.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Participate directly in providing input related to the implementation of NUA at the international level;

  • Ensure the sustainability of youth participation in realizing sustainable urban development and the implementation of NUA in Indonesia;

  • Increase the knowledge and skills of youth in urban development towards NUA


September - November 2017

Habitat and World Cities Day 2017

Partner/Client : Ministry of Public Works and Housing


Hari Habitat Dunia (World Habitat Day) and Hari Kota Dunia (World Cities Day) nationally, held alternately in various cities. HHD and HKD are expected to serve as moments to enhance public awareness of the fundamental rights of all individuals. This includes the right to decent housing and the shared responsibility of all parties in shaping cities and habitable settlements.

PSII has actively assisted Ministry of Public Works and Housing held relevant events such as panel discussion and webinar related to the theme.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Participate directly in providing input related to the implementation of NUA at the international level;

  • Ensure the sustainability of youth participation in realizing sustainable urban development and the implementation of NUA in Indonesia;


March - December 2016

Preparation for the Formulation of a New Urban Agenda toward Sustainable Urban Development (PrepCom 3 for Habitat III)

Partner/Client : Ministry of Public Works and Housing


Habitat III was the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development that took place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October. The United Nations General Assembly, in Resolution 67/216, decided to establish a preparatory committee to carry out the preparations for the conference open to all Member States of the United Nations and members of specialized agencies and of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), following the same resolution, had three meetings (PrepCom1, PrepCom2, and PrepCom3) before the opening of the conference. Indonesia was appointed to be host of the PrepCom 3 in Surabaya, Indonesia, as the last preparation toward the New Urban Agenda, Habitat III. Prior the event, Indonesia has held the Asia Pacific Urban Forum, Asia Pacific Urban Youth Assembly, and also High-Level Regional Meeting for Asia Pacific.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Assisting the Government of Indonesia to prepare the series of agenda for PrepCom III

  • Supporting the Local Government to hosting the event

  • Preparing all the material that needed before, during and after the PrepCom III

  • Assisting the Government of Indonesia to Formulate the Output of PrepCom 3, Including the official statement for Indonesia

  • Handling mass media to disseminate the event, substance and output.


July - October 2015

The High-Level Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting for Habitat III dan The 6th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF 6)

Partner/Client :

Special Settlement Development and Partnership, Ministry of Public Works and Housing Indonesia


The Sixth Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6) took place in Jakarta, Indonesia back-to-back with the High-level Regional Preparatory Meeting to Habitat III in the Asia-Pacific. The Asia-Pacific Urban Forum aims to provide a platform for urban policy actors in the region to discuss emerging and critical urban development issues and facilitate sharing experiences, good practices and approaches which encourage the formation of new stakeholder partnerships. The outcomes of the Forum, together with the Asia-Pacific High-level Regional Preparatory Meeting for Habitat III, feed into the Habitat III preparatory process and inform the drafting of its outcome document.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Providing the critical urban development issues and preparing modules/materials for the forum

  • Liaising stakeholders and arranging the overall events

  • Coordinating site visits event in Jakarta


July - October 2015

Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly at APUF-6 (APUFY-6)

Partner/Client :

Special Settlement Development and Partnership, Ministry of Public Works and Housing Indonesia


The Asia-Pacific Urban Youth Assembly serves as an official side event of the 6th Asia-Pacific Urban Forum (APUF-6) in Jakarta, Indonesia. It provides youth in the region a forum to discuss urban issues and potential solutions that affect their communities and their ways of life. A start toward enhancing positive partnerships with youth as important stakeholders in challenges facing Asia-Pacific cities is provided by APUFY, which is the initial meeting of diversified organizations and groups representing youth in debates of the urban agenda at the regional level.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Liaising stakeholders and arranging the overall events

  • Coordinate the organisation of events starting from the process of recruiting youth participants to organising activities that capture the issues raised by the youth.


May - October 2015

INdonesia International Water Week Water, Sanitation and Cities Forum 2015

Partner/Client : inistry of Public Works and Housing Indonesia


Indonesia International Water Week (IIWW) as a part of Water, Sanitation and Cities Forum 2015. As an oriented action towards achieving sustainable development goals in Indonesia.

Become a forum for collaboration of stakeholders including government, private sector, local and international communities, NGOs, and financing institutions in discussing issues of water provision to meet the global challenges, cooperation in water and sanitation sectors beyond private initiative, sustainable urban services, and community-based management.


  • Final Report of Advisory

  • Liaising with stakeholders and arranging the overall events

  • Coordinate the organization of events starting from the process of designing the events


Konsultasi public merupakan satu komponen penting dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan berkelanjutan dengan melibatkan semua elemen yang ada. PSII berupaya aktif dalam membangun kolaborasi yang sinergis untuk mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan di Indonesia, kami lakukan melalui FGD dan Media gathering.

Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Focus Group Discussion (FGD), workshop, serta lokakarya merupakan bentuk keterlibatan publik dalam sebuah proses pembangunan. Pengalaman PSII dalam melakukan FGD sejak tahap perencanaan pembangunan, seperti FGD investasi energi terbarukan, rencana pembangunan kota rendah karbon, hingga rencana pembangunan ibu kota baru.

Media Gathering

Media Gathering merupakan kegiatan untuk menjembatani media/pers sebagai kunci dalam jejaring pembangunan. Kolaborasi dengan media menjadi hal dasar yang perlu dijembatani bersama dari semua proses pembangunan.

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