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December 2023

Book : Kilas Balik Habitat di Indonesia


This book summarizes the entire retrospective journey of urban development in Indonesia from aholistic perspective. Starting with an overview of the global urban phenomenon, the book explores the contributions of urban existence in various fields, the challenges of urban development, and the contextual factors specific to Indonesia. It also discusses efforts to fulfil various international commitments, setting standards for implementation to achieve habitable urban environments.


Concluding with reflections on the government's, communities, and various stakeholders' efforts in creating habitable urban dwellings and environments, the hope is that society can activelytake part in realizing an inclusive, fair, habitable, sustainable urban environment, free from segregation and social inequalities.


December 2023

The 10th Urban Social Forum (2023)


Urban Social Forum (USF) as a forum discussion, sharing of thoughts, practices, knowledge and as a venue for networking with various sectors to preparing a vision in creating the urban change of policy agenda, facing various challenges that will be faced by the cities and to realizing the cities with social justice, sustainable, and democratic.


PSII on behalf of Ministry of Public Works and Housing and as the partner disseminate the output of National Urban Forum in form of poster and other publication at Lokananta, the venue of the 10th Urban Social Forum.


August 2023

Webinar: Walkability transitions case study from Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia


In August 2023, PSII had an opportunity to present this case study in The 7th Community of Learning and Practice (CoLP) webinar hosted by Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) supported project in partnership with the University of the Philippines-National Center for Transportation Studies. ogether with case studies from the Philippines and Vietnam, the PSII Team showed the advancement of sidewalks in Sudirman Street Jakarta.

Since 2017, Jakarta implemented a transportation plan focusing on pedestrians, cyclists, and public transport users. To support the Asian Games in 2018, Sudirman Street was revitalized, following a ‘Complete Street’ approach, providing sidewalks, bicycle lanes, public transport lanes, and private vehicle lanes. Our study explored user characteristics and factors that influence pedestrian utilization descriptively. The results show that the pedestrian area is used by workers daily and serves as a public space for exercising on weekends. After the revitalization, this pedestrian has better street furniture, bus stops, pedestrian bridges, and lighting. Further enhancements could include guiding blocks, vegetation, and bike parks to optimize convenience and safety.


July 2023



Since 1999, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH) has initiated several long-term financing programs that engage and empower local communities to develop their neighborhood. It mainly focused on infrastructure development and housing reconstruction in slum areas. PSII, in collaboration with the MPWH, captured the journey of the program in this book titled “Kilas Perjalanan Kotaku: Jejak Warisan Kotaku Mengurangi Kekumuhan di Indonesia, Menuju Permukiman Layak Huni dan Berkelanjutan.”


In the first initiation, the P2KP program aimed to establish local community organizations and introduce good governance. It continued with PNPM Mandiri to start the construction and development processes. At the final stage, the KOTAKU program specifically targeted slum area development, and it also aligned with the Medium-term National Development Plan (RPJMN) mandate to improve the quality of about 10,000 Ha slum settlements by collaborating with local government and communities.


September 2022

Webinar: Resilient Cities and Communities (2022)


Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is an integral part of socialand economic development and is essential if development is to be sustainable for the future. This has been recognized by several global documents on DRR and sustainable development.


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development recognizes and reaffirms the urgent need to reduce the risk of disasters. In addition to direct references to the outcomes of the Third UN Conference on DRR (Sendai Framework), there are specific opportunities to achieve SDGs through reducing disaster risk.

For example, by reducing exposure and vulnerability of the poor to disasters or building resilient infrastructure. There are also several SDGs and targets that can contribute to reducing disaster risk and building resilience, even where disaster risk reduction is not explicit. The events are specifically targeted all stakeholder that concern on the theme. The aim is to dig up the new policy, program and best practice to increase the resilient conceptof cities and communities. The event will be multi- stakeholder, involving local and central government, NGO, and communities.


December 2018 - February 2019

Guidelines for Proposal and Readiness Criteria Enhancement of Foreign Loan Projects


Panning and implementing activities constitute a critical phase in the development of any undertaking. The process and mechanisms for preparing and proposing activities to be funded by foreign loans and grants are regulated by Government Regulation Number 10 of 2011 concerning "Procedures for Obtaining Foreign Loans and Acceptance of Grants" and Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Regulation Number 4 of 2011 concerning "Procedures for Planning, Submission of Proposals, Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation of activities funded by Foreign Loans and Grants." However, in practice, stakeholders also have internal mechanisms in the approval and preparation processes.

The drafting of this guide aims to harmonize the systems and regulations of the Government and the ADB related to the activity planning process. The main principle of this guide is "quality at every stage," ensuring the completion of activities while mitigating the potential for shortcomings in its implementation.

It should be noted that the regulations govern the preparation and proposal mechanisms for activities funded by foreign loans and grants. The guide strives to align the systems and rules of the Government and ADB, emphasizing the importance of "quality at every stage" to facilitate the mitigation of potential shortcomings in the implementation phase.


October 2019

Webinar: Sustainable Transport


Transport transformation plays an important role in achieving the SDGs. The Netherlands' success in transforming transport use can be used as a reference for strategies to achieve sustainable transport development.


The key to achieving sustainable transport:

  • Consistent long-term road map for implementation

  • Monitoring processfor sustainable transport implementation

  • Collaboration between stakeholders


May 2019



The World Urban Forum (WUF) is an international event organized by UN-HABITAT as an open and inclusive forum to answer the challenges in sustainable urbanization. PSII contributed to WUF activities is a part to give the contribution ideas and solutions in responding to the challenges of achieving sustainable development in the city.


PSII collaborated with Ministry of Public Works and Housingare assessed Youth Participation in the Ninth World Urban Forum to implementing the New Urban Agenda's event. In order to contribute to ideas on the role of youth in sustainable development city.


December 2016

The 4th urban social forum

Partner/Client : Independent


Urban Social Forum (USF) as a forum discussion, sharing of thoughts, practices, knowledge and as a venue for networking with various sectors to preparing a vision in creating the urban change of policy agenda, facing various challenges that will be faced by the cities and to realizing the cities with social justice, sustainable, and democratic.


PSII and Kota Kita Foundation held a discussion with the title "The Role of Media in Accelerating the Achievement of SDGs" in Semarang City. PSII seeks to gaining the information from the speakers about sustainable city development, the role of youth in achieving SDGs, and supported by the media to accelerate sustainable development and to achieve SDGs concept


PSII bersama-sama dengan lembaga non-profit Indonesia maupun internasional seperti Kota Kita, pemerintah, dan komunitas muda/Youth untuk membangun jejaring kerjasama multidisiplin maupun interdisiplin. Kolaborasi yang dilandasi oleh pemahaman ilmiah yang mencakup perubahan Iklim, Perkotaan, Energi terbarukan, Transportasi, Sanitasi dan Air yang berkaiatan dengan isu Pembangunan Berkelanjutan. Proses pertukaran informasi hingga transfer pengetahuan antarpihak akan memberikan ide-ide pemikiran yang komprehensif dan mewakili berbagai pihak. 


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